Thursday, February 18, 2021

AdBPo GEOframe short course (18-02-2021): Modelling rainfall-runoff (and more)

 Now it is arrived the moment to talk about the traditional rainfall-runoff modelling. At first it looks like the usual soup. However the difference is the same that exists from a contemporary electric, auto-piloted car and the good-old Ford T. 

The pivot of all is, obviously, the informatics of OMS3 and of the today hardwares, that allow for multiple solutions and many degree of accuracy and investigation capabilities that were not allowed in the past. Nevertheless some new conceptual tools and theoretical contents emerged that also make the difference. 

Here the slides:
More complete material (in English, can be found here and here)

Wednesday, February 17, 2021

AdBPo GEOframe short course (17-02-2021): The kriging interpolation of meteorological data

 This is a short overview of what can be done within the GEOframe system for spatially interpolating meteorological data GEOframe.  

The main reference for these topics remains the longer talks given at the GWS2021 or (for the Italian speaking, what said for the class of Hydrological modelling). 

The slides of the day are available here

The exercise of the day are available here.

The video of the talk can be found here on Vimeo (in Italian)

Again on estimating hydro-meteo variables with Kriging

A more extensive treatment of the matter can be found here

The next talk

The previous talk

The first talk

Tuesday, February 16, 2021

AdBPo GEOframe short course (17-02-2021): The Energy Budget and Evapotranspiration

 This is a short overview of what can be done within the GEOframe system for estimating Evapotranspiration using GEOframe-Prospero.  The main reference for these topics remains the longer talks given at the GWS2021 or (for the Italian speaking, what said for the class of Hydrology). 

The slides:

Monday, February 15, 2021

AdBPo GEOframe short course (16-02-2021): Geomorphological analysis

Geomorphological analysis of a watershed finalized to the setting of the GEOframe hydrological model.

The class is organized in two parts:

1) Theory: Introduction to the digital watershed;  extraction and analysis of the main geomorphological features (slope, aspect, flow direction, basin); hillslope-link partition of the watershed. The slides of the class can be downloaded here 

2) Exercises: hands on a practical test case to apply all steps analyzed in the theoretical part. 

The test case can be downloaded here.

The Vimeo 2021 Video in Italian of the talk. And its continuation, also on Vimeo (and in Italian)

More extensive material can be found here

The previous GEOframe overview talk.

The next GEOframe overview talk.

AdBPo GEOframe short course (16-02-2021): Introduction to GEOframe overview

This is a short overview of the GEOframe System.  The overview has slides in English but the talk will be in Italian. For English speaker, please refer directly to the material of the Winter School 2021

The material contains:
More detailed material (in English) is at the GEOframe Essentials Summary here, while specific parts for the .sim files extensions necessary to manage the Net3 environment are here: