Thursday, July 4, 2024

Pills of Java Modeling on Eclipse and Git Hub basic example

The most crucial guideline in the GEOframe framework is the implementation of open-source models.

Research must be open. Each member's knowledge must be shared.

To this end, Concetta D'Amato conducted a concise introduction on Java modeling and the use of GitHub to update the GEOframe GitHub page. 

At this link, you can find the videos recorded of the lessons in which she answered to this questions:

Eclipse - JAVA

1. How to structure the code?

2. How to make an abstract class and what is it? 

3. Is there a naming convention in the project (in addition to the classical Java naming convention)?

4. How to create a test class from the main java class?

5. How to export the project for use in OMS?

6. How to connect the components in Java and OMS?

7. How to use already available tools like readers/writers, solvers, etc.?

8. How to define the things inside the Gradle build file necessary for managing the project dependencies?


9. How do I configure a GitHub repository in the 'geoframecomponents' group? (e.g. .gitignore, license…)?

10.  How to create a fork from original codes available in GitHub?

11.  How to update GitHub after changes in the local code?

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