Thursday, June 27, 2024

GEOframe summer school at IIT Bombay, Mumbai, India [July 25 to 31, 2024]

We are pleased to announce the first summer school on GEOframe Modelling system in India, which will be held on site at the Indian Institute of Technology (IIT) Bombay, Mumbai, India, from July 25 to 31, 2024.


Link for the Brochure

Deadline for Registration: July 10, 2024


Click here for Registration


The primary objective of this school is to provide a comprehensive understanding of the principles of physical hydrology and to model various components of the hydrological cycle, including rainfall, snow, evapotranspiration, runoff, root-zone water content, and groundwater flow using the GEOframe tools.


The summer School is open to working professionals from local authorities (interested PhD students and Postdocs can also apply) who are interested in gaining insights into hydrological processes and learning modelling procedures using the GEOframe tools. During the program, we will explore different modelling solutions available in the GEOframe system to accurately quantify catchment water budgets.


For more information about the school, check out the attached brochure by clicking on the logo above.


Team from the University of Trento and IIT Bombay

AIAM Conference 2024: GEOframe's Contribution to Agricultural Water Planning and Managemen

Recently, I participated in the National Congress of Agrometeorology in L'Aquila, held from June 5 to 7, 2024. The congress is an annual event organized by the Agrometeorology Italian Society - AIAM. This event brought together Italian experts and enthusiasts from various fields of agrometeorology to highlight the latest research and experiences in the field.

The title of the event was "Innovative Approaches to Support Agricultural Production in an Evolving Climate Context," and my contribution was a presentation in the session "Innovative Methods for Estimating Water Requirements and Irrigation Management." My presentation, titled "Quantifying Water Availability in Agricultural Areas Using GEOframe: The Case of the Noce River Basin," focused on how GEOframe can be applied to basins with agricultural districts (Val di Non - Trentino, Italy) to extract useful information for water management during drought periods.

In the presentation, I highlighted the role of snow water equivalent in recent droughts that affected the region, emphasizing its importance for planning water availability in the summer. I also discussed the complexity of the spatiotemporal variation of root zone water content.

Here you can find the conference proceedings with the extended abstracts and the presentation.

GEOframe contributions at Giornate dell'Idrologia 2024 - Udine

The GEOframe crew participated with two oral and one poster contributions at the Giornate dell'Idrologia 2024, held in Udine from 24-26 June 2024. 

It was a good time for Italian researchers to share the latest advances in hydrology, reaching out to all possible facets, from extreme events to irrigation and water management under climatic emergencies, highlighting the hydrological community's response.

Concetta D'Amato presented "Addressing water stress on grass evapotranspiration rate: the "Shelter" experiment" Concetta D'Amato, Paolo Benettin,  Andrea Rinaldo and Riccardo Rigon. 

You can download the slides of Concetta's presentation here

Picture of EPFL lysimeters used in the "Shelter" experiment

Gaia Roati presented "The implementation of the GEOframe system in the Po River District – analysis of water availability and scarcity in the Piemonte region" Gaia Roati, Giuseppe Formetta, John Mohd Wani, Silvano Pecora, Marco Brian, Paolo Leoni, Francesco Tornatore, Daniele Andreis, Matteo dall’Amico, Stefano Tasin, Riccardo Rigon

You can download the slides of Gaia's presentation here.

eomorphology and the
relative data of the Po River
basieomorphology and the
relative data of the Po River
eomorphology and the
relative data of the Po River

Geomorphology and hydrometers of the Po River basin

Giuseppe Formetta presented a poster by Riccardo Busti in collaboration with the University of Calabria, with the title "Exploring hydrological dynamics in layered pyroclastic soils by combining laboratory and field experiments with a physically-based numerical model" Riccardo Busti, Giuseppe Formetta and Giovanna Capparelli.