Thursday, June 27, 2024

GEOframe contributions at Giornate dell'Idrologia 2024 - Udine

The GEOframe crew participated with two oral and one poster contributions at the Giornate dell'Idrologia 2024, held in Udine from 24-26 June 2024. 

It was a good time for Italian researchers to share the latest advances in hydrology, reaching out to all possible facets, from extreme events to irrigation and water management under climatic emergencies, highlighting the hydrological community's response.

Concetta D'Amato presented "Addressing water stress on grass evapotranspiration rate: the "Shelter" experiment" Concetta D'Amato, Paolo Benettin,  Andrea Rinaldo and Riccardo Rigon. 

You can download the slides of Concetta's presentation here

Picture of EPFL lysimeters used in the "Shelter" experiment

Gaia Roati presented "The implementation of the GEOframe system in the Po River District – analysis of water availability and scarcity in the Piemonte region" Gaia Roati, Giuseppe Formetta, John Mohd Wani, Silvano Pecora, Marco Brian, Paolo Leoni, Francesco Tornatore, Daniele Andreis, Matteo dall’Amico, Stefano Tasin, Riccardo Rigon

You can download the slides of Gaia's presentation here.

eomorphology and the
relative data of the Po River
basieomorphology and the
relative data of the Po River
eomorphology and the
relative data of the Po River

Geomorphology and hydrometers of the Po River basin

Giuseppe Formetta presented a poster by Riccardo Busti in collaboration with the University of Calabria, with the title "Exploring hydrological dynamics in layered pyroclastic soils by combining laboratory and field experiments with a physically-based numerical model" Riccardo Busti, Giuseppe Formetta and Giovanna Capparelli. 

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