Thursday, June 27, 2024

AIAM Conference 2024: GEOframe's Contribution to Agricultural Water Planning and Managemen

Recently, I participated in the National Congress of Agrometeorology in L'Aquila, held from June 5 to 7, 2024. The congress is an annual event organized by the Agrometeorology Italian Society - AIAM. This event brought together Italian experts and enthusiasts from various fields of agrometeorology to highlight the latest research and experiences in the field.

The title of the event was "Innovative Approaches to Support Agricultural Production in an Evolving Climate Context," and my contribution was a presentation in the session "Innovative Methods for Estimating Water Requirements and Irrigation Management." My presentation, titled "Quantifying Water Availability in Agricultural Areas Using GEOframe: The Case of the Noce River Basin," focused on how GEOframe can be applied to basins with agricultural districts (Val di Non - Trentino, Italy) to extract useful information for water management during drought periods.

In the presentation, I highlighted the role of snow water equivalent in recent droughts that affected the region, emphasizing its importance for planning water availability in the summer. I also discussed the complexity of the spatiotemporal variation of root zone water content.

Here you can find the conference proceedings with the extended abstracts and the presentation.

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