Tuesday, May 31, 2022

GSS2022 - Schedule for 13 - 17 June

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Fine Art Photo by Luca Chistè, www.lucachiste.it

June 13- 14

These daysis mostly dedicated to fill theory of the processes investigated by this School on GEOframe, meaning infiltration in soil, the basics of Richards/Richardson equation to which follow some exercises. The afternoon will be used to discuss issues related to the application of different boundary conditions, different parameterizations of the soil water retention curves.

June 15:

This day is dedicated to the bi-dimensional case of the Richardson-Richards equation,to present the evapotranspiration theory and the modelling of evapotranspiration in GEOframe.

June 16:

This day will be dedicated to present GEOSPACE-1D and the theory of heat and solute transport.


June 17:

This day will be dedicated to practice on Advection Dispersion Equation.

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Wednesday, May 18, 2022

GSS2022 - DAY 3 - Exercises with Radiation / Glimpses to Programming in GEOframe

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Radiation energy budget in GEOframe

Fine Art Photo by Luca Chisté, www.lucachiste.it

This day was also an opportunity to introduce some glimpses of programming in Java to develop an OMS component using Eclipse and Gradle. Here you can find the videos 
Thanks for joining these School days and see you in June! Please contact us without hesitation for any issue about the topics of the School. 

P.S. - For who is interested in using Java, we set up a few lectures of introduction to Java that you can find indexed here.  Other material is discoverable in this OSF webpage.

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Tuesday, May 17, 2022

GSS2022 - Day 2 - Gridding and Radiation - May 17

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  •  Gmsh
    • ex00 is the very first tutorial on how to create a mesh for simple domain. The aim are to understand what are the geometrical entities, point, line, curve loop, and plane surface, required to define the computational domain (pdftutorial, Vimeo, Vimeo practice);
    • ex01 shows how to control the mesh refinement (pdftutorial, Vimeo, Vimeo practice);
    • ex02 deals with the creation of subdomains. Subdomains allows the user to assign different sets of parameters to mesh elements, and thinking about solving  the Richards' equation means to include a specific soil stratigraphy  (pdftutorial, Vimeo, Vimeo practice);
    • ex03 addresses the problem of specifying different boundary conditions (pdftutorial, Vimeo, Vimeo practice).
    Here you can find the examples as those presented in the .pdf. We thank Enrico Borinato for his help         in preparing the material for the Gmsh tutorials.

Fine Art Photo by Luca Chisté (www.lucachiste.it)

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Monday, May 16, 2022

GSS2022 - Installations and some practice with OMS3 features - May 16 2022

We are here indexing the operation and the material of the summer School on GEOframe 2022, dealing with Soil-Plant-Atmosphere interactions. The first day is dedicated to Installations. They are not that different from those of the Winter School 2022 and you can refer also to those as guide.

Fine Art Photo by Luca Chistè, Caldonazzo Lake (www.lucachiste.it)

The whole material can be found also here on OSF.  Please go in the Material Folder there and download all the files. 

Some practice with OMS3 features
Supplemental  material
  • Look this video if you want to know a little more about Digital Earth Twins and Hydrology