Saturday, December 2, 2023

GEOframe Winter School 2024: Days from 05-12-2023 to 07-12-2023

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The material of the School (slides and softwares) for the Day 1 (05-12-2023) is available to download at the following link. The slides of the theory and practice sessions are available here and video lectures are available here.

  • Theory: DARTHs: Participatory Digital eARth Twin Hydrology systems
    • What are the Hydrological Digital Twins? (Slides: 1, 2) (Video: 1, 2)
    • Hydrological Models in the DARTHs perspective (Slides: 3, 4) (Video: 1)
    • OMS3 (Slides) (Video)
    • Working Environment (Slides) (Video)
    • Simulation files and OMS3 Console (Slides) (Video: 1, 2)
  • Practice 
    • Installation of Anaconda, geoframe_vincennes environment (slides) (Video)
    • Testing of geoframepy, examples for converting csv in OMS .csv files, reading and plotting OMS .csv files. (practice material) (video)

Thursday, September 7, 2023

GEOframe Winter School 2024 - Save the dates: December 05-07, 2023; January 08-12, 2024

The GEOframe Winter School 2024 (GWS2024) will be will be held in Trento University (Department of civil, environmental and mechanical engineering) on

December 05-07, 2023; January 08-12, 2024

This is the preliminary program:
Output of the school 
The objective of the school is to enable the participant to set up and run the GEOframe system on their area of interest, with the spatially variable quantification of each component of the water balance (rainfall, snow, evapotranspiration, runoff, root-zone water content and groundwater levels)

GEOframe is not just a model but a comprehensive system for hydrology that leverages computer technology. It consists of numerous differentiated modeling solutions, totaling tens of options, which are built upon model components. Each modeling solution represents an optimal combination of models to quantify specific components of the hydrological cycle in any study area, such as spatially varying rainfall, snow, evapotranspiration, runoff, root-zone water content, and groundwater levels, at various time resolutions ranging from sub-hourly to yearly. GEOframe utilizes the Object Modelling system-framework (v3)  to connect modeling components and solve specific hydrological issues, offering multiple alternatives for mathematical and numerical descriptions. This infrastructure allows the tools to adapt to the problems at hand, rather than the other way around. GEOframe has been successfully applied to hydrological simulations at different scales, from point scale to large catchments like the Blue Nile. Currently, it is being deployed in the Po river basin (the largest in Italy) and the Adige river basin, with high temporal and spatial resolution. Distributable modeling solutions calibrated and validated against measured data, such as runoff, are available for these applications. GEOframe is an open-source system built using open-source tools.

Contents of the school
GEOframe contains tens of components that cover rainfall-runoff, evaporation, transpiration, infiltration, terrain analysis tools, interpolation models, calibrations tools. The Winter school is about using some of these tools to perform the hydrological budget of catchments. The core rainfall-runoff model are dynamical systems (systems of ordinary differential equations) and the school mainly treats their theory and their use in a contemporary way as summarised in these 7 steps.
Besides the lectures and the hands-on sessions, the Summer School is the occasion for discussion and experience exchange among senior scholars and young researchers.

Participants' background
Admissions are reserved to up to 30, PhD students and postdoctoral researchers, young scientists, and local authorities professionals willing to understand hydrological processes and learning the modeling procedures based on the use of the GEOframe tools. Specifically, will study and model infiltration, energy budget, vegetation transpiration, water budget with process-based models.
All students, scientist and professionals are asked to upload a CV and a motivation letter when applying.

Workload and credits
The Winter School, which is to be held in English, consists of 8 hours/day of activities for 8 days. 

The first three days, December 05-07 2023, will be dedicated to the installation of the GEOframe-OMS system tools. Lectures will be brief, dedicated to informatics and the exploiting of the concepts of modeling by components, digital twin Earth. Most of the time will be used for supporting participants’ installations.

The other five days (January 08-12, 2024) will cover:
  • Catchment and Hydrologic Response Unit delineation
  • Meteorological variables interpolation with Kriging techniques
  • Short and longwave radiation estimate and simplified evapotranspiration methods
  • Snow modeling, Rainfall-Runoff modelling (as explained in these 7 steps) and automatic calibration
  • Hands on seminars on the following topics: 1) satellite data for hydrological application and 2) meteorological dataset for hydrological applications (in situ data, modeled data, real-time and forecast data)

Location and timing
University of Trento Polo Mesiano, H1 Room and Online.

The three days on informatics and installations (December 05-07 2023) will be also online. 
The other days (January 08-12 2024) will be onsite. The time schedule will be 9-13 and 14-18 CET each of the days. Lectures and workout will be recorded and immediately post on the VIMEO Channel of the School. Therefore, they could be followed off line. Special agreement will be arranged for supporting abroad students with fuse issues. 

Participation costs
Subscription to the class is necessary for anyone who want to attend the course. For Researcher, PhD students, and scientists who want the certificate of attendance and specific support on their own application, the Course costs 210 Euros. 

The certificate is issued after the presentation of a small project of simulations for which appropriate tutoring will be given during and after the School.

Please visit and register at the official registration form (Link will be updated soon) of the school.

The cost of the school is free for Students of the Hydrological Modelling Classes at the University of Trento; for Ph.D. students of the University of Trento DICAM and C3A programs; for the participants of the PRIN Waterstem, COACH-WAT, and SUNSET project; for the participant of the project “Studio delle caratteristiche idrologiche del Distretto del fiume Po mediante l’applicazione della modellistica GEOframe”; for Young Hydrological Society Italian members and the Società Idrologica Italiana (SII).

Scientific Committee 
Prof. Giuseppe Formetta, Ph.D; Ph.D., Eng. Marialaura Bancheri; Ph.D., Eng. Prof. Riccardo Rigon, Ph.D.

Organising Committee
Prof. Giuseppe Formetta, Ph.D; Ph.D., Eng. Marialaura Bancheri; PhD Eng. Concetta D’Amato, Eng. Shima Azimi, Ms. Sc. Martin Morlot, Ing. Daniele Andreis, Ing. Gaia Roati, Ing. Riccardo Busti (the fantastic group of our Ph.D. students), Prof. Riccardo Rigon, Ph.D.

Organising Institutions
  • Department of Civil, Environmental and Mechanical Engineering, University of Trento
  • Center Agriculture Food Environment, University of Trento
  • Institute for Agricultural and Forest Systems in the Mediterranean, National Research Council, Ercolano NA, Italy
For further information write to:, or to the Secretary of the Class dott. Lorena Galante,

Other information
The GSS2024 talks and labs will be recorded and made publicly available during the School for self-training through the GEOframe blog. Information about past Schools can be found here.

Wednesday, March 22, 2023

The Hydrological Modelling 2023 - The lab

Go to:

Hydrological modelling class - 2023

2023-03-27 - Installations - For the Installation go to this link to download the material needed and install all what required. Here you can also find the slide of the class.

2023-03-27 - Geomorphological analysis of a river basin - For the geomorphological analysis of the river basin go to this link to download the material and follow the instruction to perform the analysis. Here you can also find the slide of the class. Here the video of the exercise.

2023-05-04 - Kriging of meteorological variables - For the interpolation of the meteorological variables (rainfall and air temperature) in the case study river basin go to this link to download the material and follow the instruction to perform the analysis. Here you can also find the slide of the class. Here the video of the exercise.

2023-05-15 - Cleaning of meteorological variables - Here you can find the material for the cleaning of the meteorological data.

2023-05-25 - Rainfall-runoff modelling - Here you can the slides and here the OMS project for the rainfall-runoff simulations.

Last year material to be revised below

2021-02-24 - Installations - For the Installation go to this GEOframe page and install all what required.
We are also going to install the Horton Machine toolbox

For Italian speakers, they can also give a look do not miss the occasion to listen to Concetta D'Amato introducing installations in Italian:
OMS and GEOframe:

Basic information for who has never seen OMS and GEOframe: an introduction to the GEOframe/OMS3 system
 QGIS & Other Info 
2022-03-03 - Starting to work with the Object Modelling System
  • Material of the class and presentations can be found here. Please download them before the class
  • Running the Hello World program as an Object Modelling System Component (Vimeo 2022)
  • Reading an OMS file (Vimeo 2022)
  • Running a simple example (a tank model) that uses more than one component 
  • The extraction of river network with the Horton Machine Tools (Vimeo2022)          

2022-03-11 - GEOmorphology part III - The delineation of river basins (Vimeo2022)

Optional/Alternative Material - Some elaboration of DEMs with with the Horton Machine Toolbox
The Horton Machine Toolbox offers an alternative interface to the same tools seen previously. For some purposes it can be more simple than using the .sim files. 
2022-03-24 - Rainfall Analysis with PANDAS (Vimeo2022)

2022-03-31/2022-04-01 - Preparing time series for GEOframe and analyzing them
  • Preparing a time series in OMS3 csv format (Vimeo2022)
  • Analyzing discharges with Jupyter and Python  (Vimeo2022)
  • Analyzing temperatures with Jupyter and Python  (Vimeo2022)
2022-05-19/20 - Kriging
2022-05-25 - Kriging - II
  After all radiation moves it all

2022-06-08 - Running  GEOframe-NewAGE 
  • Setup of GEOframe-NewAGE (Vimeo2022)
  • How works the workflow in GEOframe-NewAGE, Net3 (Vimeo2022)
  • Evapotraspiration for GEOframe-NewAGE (Vimeo2022)
  • How to prepare a run with a simple reservoir for any HRU with GEOframe (Vimeo2022)
  • The Notebook (Vimeo2022)

Friday, January 13, 2023

GEOframe Winter School 2023 - Participants

Previous day



Finally we took some photos of the on site participants on Trento University-Mesiano terrace !

For the high resolution click the Figures.  Below people at work:

More photos here. 

Previous day


Thursday, January 12, 2023

GEOframe Winter School 2023: Day 6 Rainfall Runoff

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Simple models

The project for simulations on the Brenta River

Practical Session
  • Using ERM - part I (video)
  • Using ERM part II (video)

Tuesday, January 10, 2023

GEOframe Winter School 2023 - Day 5 - Evaporation and Transpiration

          Next Day 

This day deal with the estimation of evaporation and transpiration. Below please find the more conceptual parts and the lab parts. 

Evaporation and transpiration
  • A quick review of Evaporation and Transpiration (slides
    • The generation of water vapor (video)
    • The Daltonian law of transport  (video)
    • The transfer of thermal heat  (video)
    • The simplified energy budget  (video)
    • Solving the simplified energy budget  (video)
    • Evaporation from soil  (video)
    • Transpiration  (video)

Radiation is the engine of all the water movement. These lessons give some basic information about what we have to account for when trying to estimate it. Reference to the Plank and Stefan-Boltzmann law is a necessary tribute to radiation physics without which nothing can be understood. 

 Practical sessions 

  • Estimation of Radiation with GEOframe (video)
  • Estimation of  evapotranspiration with Priestley-Taylor (video)
  • Estimation of  evapotranspiration  with Penman-FAO (video)

          Next Day 

GEOFrame Winter School 2023: Day 4

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The fourth day of the GEOframe Winter School 2023 will focus on interpolation of meteorological variable and kriging algorithm.

We will develop theory and practice of kriging algorithm, finalised to the interpolation of meteorological forcing data (i.e. precipitation and air termperature). Finally, we will present and apply the kriging OMS3 component on the analysed test site.

Kriging interpolation of meteorological variables (OMS project)

    1. Basic concept and theory of the kriging algorithm (slidesvideo)
    2. Mathematical formulation of the kriging (slides)
    3. Variogram theory (slidesvideo)
    4. Practical estimation within GEOframe (video)

Saturday, January 7, 2023

GEOframe Winter School 2023 - Day 3

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The third day of the GEOframe Winter School 2023 will focus on the catchment geomorphological analysis and watershed delineation.

We will develop theory and practice for the watershed delineation and hillslope-link partition. Finally, we will build the data-structure for executing the GEOframe components in parallel.

Digital landscape representation and geomorphological attributes (OMS project)

    1. Digital watersheed and primary geomorphological attributes (slides, video)
    2. Extraction of the river network (slides, video, practise)
    3. Hillslope-link partition of the basin and the GEOframeInputBuilder (slides, video, practice)

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