Thursday, May 16, 2024

GEOframe information for beginners

 Dear User or dear Explorer,

Here we aim to summarize some of the material related to GEOframe-NewAGE. The main source is certainly the GEOframe blog:

However, for a logical introduction, it may be useful to start here:

The most recent material on GEOframe-NewAGE is from the latest school, accessible from this point:

By following the links for each day, you can download the slides and watch the lesson videos. 

Another useful resource is provided through hydrological modeling tutorials:

GEOframe's infrastructure is based on the Object Modelling System v3:

Various papers and applications related to GEOframe have been written and developed; you can find them here:

For any further assistance, the GEOframe crew can be reached at

Please feel free to reach out if you have any questions. Next Winter School  on GEOframe-NewAGE will be in January 2025 from 7 to11 in Trento University.  Next Summer School (on Land-Atmosphere interactions will be June 2-6 2025.